Annunciation Vita Dei House
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Annunciation Vita Dei House:
Affordable, Inexpensive Community Living for Catholic Women

Annunciation Vita Dei Women's House
2637 Schele Avenue, Fort Wayne IN 46803 USA
Who We Serve
Annunciation Vita Dei House serves single Catholic women who are​
+ mentally stable and wholesome
+ discerning religious or lay vocations.
+ considering marriage or single life
+ undertaking a career or schooling
+ facing serious life decisions
+ seeking inexpensive living arrangements in a Catholic environment
+ capable of procuring and cooking their own meals
+ competent in completing household tasks
+ able to pay the monthly program fee unless they volunteer ten hours weekly in lieu of payment
+ desirous of living long-term in a Catholic women's community
Annunciation Vita Dei House is NOT
+ Emergency Housing
+ a Health Care Facility
+ a Rescue Mission
+ a Hotel
+ a Boarding House
+ a Group Home​
Mission Statement
Annunciation Vita Dei Women's House is a ministry of the Confraternity of Penitents (CFP), a Catholic Lay Association of the faithful following a modified 1221 Rule of St Francis of Assisi.
Annunciation House provides low-cost housing and supportive programs for Catholic women discerning the call and will of God for their state in life, be that a religious vocation, marriage, single life, diocesan hermit or sudden, life altering changes in later life.
It is also home to Catholic women desirous of long term living in a peaceful, Catholic community.
Annunciation Vita Dei House provides support in the following ways:
A community of like-minded individuals of various ages with whom to share goals, faith, aspirations.
Joint participation in household chores which fosters responsibility for how the house is maintained.
At least one weekly meal joyfully planned, prepared, and eaten together which encourages a family atmosphere within the house.
At least one community prayer time (Liturgy of the Hours) weekly. Residents invited to participate daily if desired.
Referral to agencies and organizations that provide guidance in discerning how to next proceed.
Referral to agencies and organizations that provide guidance in discerning how to next proceed.
In house chapel for group and individual prayer, reflection, and silence.
Weekly faith formation on the Catholic faith, discernment, personal relations, goal clarification.
No pressure atmosphere where each individual determines when to move on to the next step.
An opportunity for long term stay
An invitation to join the Confraternity of Penitents, if desired, as a member, associate, or affiliate.
Far from the noise and distractions of the world and through a supportive program of regular prayer, spiritual direction, daily Mass attendance, educational programs, and community life in a peaceful family atmosphere, the soul begins to hear the will of God. Thus, with the action of the Holy Spirit, the staff at Annunciation House assists in building lives for the Kingdom of God.
During their period of residency, women are encouraged to have a part-time job so as to have the funds to purchase food and other necessities. They are also invited to volunteer in the Confraternity of Penitents ministries to cover, either partially or fully, their monthly Program Service Fee.
​​With God's grace, house residents support one another through prayer, fellowship, and community living. Even though, in time, women move on to the next step in their journey, our goal is that they always remain sisters in Christ to one another.
Vita Dei Houses follow a Eucharistic and Trinitarian model. This model is explained thoroughly on this link.
​House Administrator
​The house administrator must pass rigorous screening and national background check and participate in Safe Environment Training with the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend.
Annunciation Vita Dei House relies on the prayers of its residents and supporters, on donations from Confraternity members and benefactors, and on proceeds from the Confraternity of Penitents Holy Angels Gift Shop.
Annunciation House has:
10 bedrooms
​dining room
guest apartment
large kitchen with two stoves, two refrigerators, dishwasher
laundry room (2 washers and 2 dryers)
Bathroom and showers on each of 3 floors
sitting room/library
house chapel and exterior chapel
house administrator's office
craft room
community gardens
yard with privacy fence
See also our general website.
Annunciation Vita Dei House is a ministry of the Confraternity of Penitents, a private association of the faithful commended by the Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana. Please consult link for letter of commendation.
Confraternity of Penitents members live a religious rule of life as lay people.
The CFP is also national 501 c 3 non-profit organization under the United States Internal Revenue Service. Donations to it and to its ministries are fully tax deductible.
Annunciation House is directed by the house administrator who is overseen by the Confraternity Volunteer Coordinator who resides two blocks away.
Come and See Visit!
Information about visiting Annunciation Vita Dei House is on this link. The average time from a first visit to being accepted as a resident takes 6 weeks to 3 months.