Annunciation Vita Dei House
Current Discernment Topic
On this page, you will find a discernment topic that you can discuss yourself or share with the house administrator. The topics will change periodically. Check this page from time to time.
Current Topic: Love
First, study the photo.
What do you see? What season is it?
Does this photo evoke any feelings? What might they be? Why does it make you feel this way?
Why might this photo have been selected to illustrate love?
Did you like to receive candy hearts when you were younger? What's unique about these hearts? Did you ever use a candy heart to send a special message to someone? Were you ever the recipient of a candy heart message?
Scripture says that "God is Love." What does that mean? How does God's love compare to what the world considers to be love?
Scripture says that Jesus showed us what love is by laying down his life for us. And we are to lay down our lives for one another. What does this mean? What is God asking of you? Can you do it?
How might you show love? To a family member? To a stranger? To someone who irritates you? To someone who repulses you? To someone who frightens you?
Pray: God, I know you are calling me to love others. Give me the courage, grace, insight, and desire to do so for love of You. Amen.