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The Gospels. 


Many people try to discern by putting in a lot of time, study, and research. All these are fine, but the strongest tool in discernment is prayer, and the most helpful resource is the Gospels. 


We suggest that you spend 15 minutes a day reading the Gospels and meditating on what you've read. Ask God, "What message do You have for me today?" 


An excellent way to do this is to use a time-teste compilation called Christ in the Gospel.  Read the passage marked for that day. Then turn to the back of the book and answer the questions.  You can look back at the passage for the answers!


Spend a few minutes praying about what you've read. Then ask God, "What message do You have for me today?"


If you do this consistently, three things will happen:


1. You will have read the entire life of Christ in six months.

2. You will come to know Jesus in a deeper way.

3. You will have more direction in your life at the end of six months than you have now.


Once you finish the book, just keep reading. Many people read this book daily year after year. 



Three Women

Annunciation Vita Dei House: 
Affordable, Inexpensive Community Living for Catholic Women, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Vocational Discernment
Faith Formation
Guest Quarters

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